What goes around comes around...

I'm not quite sure what to write about. I just want to share photos I made Thursday and yesterday. 
I'm not really sure why but I like this photo. Yes, I edited it (like every photo I choose to be "chosen") . Maybe it's symbolize me war, even thought I was not even born that time. Dunno about that. 
Whenever I see these contrailings trails I think of Lia -  tori no uta song. . .
This might remember me something from past when I started taking photos. I can't say that I'm pro, because my photos are simple. You can say that from seeing how much edited it are.   

Well to assume everything, not much photos to show,  because camera battery got down and my nose started to freeze, I didn't had opportunity to walk more so I just came home. 

That's for the time being... 

These two photos are from year (2009 - 2010?) when I got camera and started my photography journey. They're simple but I love them. First one is made in forest (near our gardens) in which I love to walk and at those times, thought about what kind of story to write. Being in that place I only thought about story lines but when I came home,some of that disappeared. All stories comes from my nights when I listen to music and imagine myself or some character in one or few fragments. In truth there is a lot that I hadn't written. I don't know if I should regret for that, but ... 
"I will deal it in my way. I'll not pay attention til it goes away". 

Just heard that song, reminded me Gunslinger Girl anime AMV which I found that song with. Amazing how Linkin Park infiltrated in my teenager life. You know when you thing everything is bad and that you're alone. Well some of the violent parts I written in my stories what time was  because these songs excised in my life. Yeah,I liked to be that one who stood out for violent stories. I should probably try to write another one just to satisfy myself :D Because at that time I knew that writing about violence would stood me out from all those people who tried to write magnificent stories. And also I didn't wanted to copy them so I read only few peoples stories. But everything in this life has end. I guess it's time to say goodbye to my past. 
This winter is the same as these ones. I just didn't make any photos when tries were frozen. Nah, I don't regret it. 
All the cold! 


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