Too much feelings which I'm not capable controlling of.
Well basically because whenever I see that kind of article I'm starting to cry. I confess sometimes I'm avoiding to see what happened this time in order to avoid tears and that damn heavy feeling that you can't help and all what you can do is just to sit, watch and think "Thank God, someone saved you". It's really shameful. I guess I should stop thinking like that and do changes.Well at first I should start at myself, but about that other time.
One women in Lithuanian answered to question "Why in nowadays when we see a lot of articles about those cruel things made to those poor little things, why it doesn't affect us anymore?"
What we can really aspect from people (our fathers, grandparents literally grown up in Soviet era) accustomed to put animals childs into a bag and drown in the near river?
This idea never occurred to me, but basically it's true to us, Lithuanian people. Now we'retrying to be compassionate, but I guess not everyone is capable of it . Like how could a father thrown his 2 child into a well?
Could we really blame that man? I mean, we should stop shouting death sentence for him!
Because what we can expect from degraded human? I mean at first we should look at environment surrounding every corner. If a human was raised by a degraded father/ mother and every people appeared in his life (for gave a morsel of bread ) for the opportunity to have it as they wanted (including sexual violence ways). That raised human would not know the other side of humanity, because he never experienced himself. I'm sad for this, because there is a lot of people like this in my country. For a bottle they would do violent things ending up in jails. That's the reality.
And I also hate people who gets pet and then throw them away. If it's a girl - hurray soon here will be more abandoned animals because of seasonal and breeding. Yeah, in cities and gardens there are a lot of abandoned kitties which heartbreaks me .People don't get that animals has hearts, that they are big responsibility.
Kisa (cat I tooked on October from village) got used to my flat. Even though it's not big (29 km2),he even sleeps with me in my bed, our backs nestles. Lora is still a bit jealous of cat, but she's happy that everyone is home. Even now, then I'm still writing this post, she's sitting near window monitoring all field. And there she goes down and drinks water. Yeah, yeah sis go to bed.
Only today I got to know, that Alan Rickman, who we know as professor Snape from Harry Potter, died yesterday at age 69 from cancer. It's really sad thing. When I started reading I didn't liked professor Snape, but in the end he melted my heart for still having feelings for Harry's mother. This quite failed, but it's somehow still one of the best...
Everyday we lose our humanity one by one. All those people dying from cancer, all those animals, which aren't saved.. My heart is broken and my soul is crying every moment...
With tears,
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