3 Years Birthday!

Hey Guys! 

Today is exact the same day, when I created this blogger 3 year ago. I'm so amazed and I didn't thought what  3 years have passed. 3 various years, full of everything from my laziness leading you guys (well for the moment 1 person) into madness. I'm sorry that I'm that kind of person who thinks a lot of ideas, but duo to lack of you know, motivation I guess I've left you guys without nothing. So, to continue my new fresh start I will leave word - promise or tell my  plans for you guys. And i will follow this rule : 

I will share what I want when I complete my tasks. I guess it's better to keep a secret without  telling  someone and then just do it. (Sorry Amaya, I just remembered one time I thought about not telling you and I did opposite. In the end I didn't done my task...  ) How my physic said try to be less lazy, dream, make wishes and things you want to do. Her words really motivated me, so I really want to change my life, myself. I will keep trying to improve myself at some things. You know, people have to move on, even the world collapse or you lost precious people in your life. I just wish myself to improve my letters to other people from all around the world. Postcards too. Because it really does feel really good to receive something :) 
I hope that in near future more people will join me. 

 I thought about what if my life has to change. Will I still be the same person, who writes nostalgic fantastic stories? Will I still be watching Anime? I don't know. After so many years liking it I've come to realise that it doesn't matter. Sometimes people has in their hearts that's most precious. That's  enough for me. Because I will always have that endless blue in my heart which is my precious thing, because thanks to that I've started to write stories, which might be just random, but they've helped me through all those bad times when nobody was around. That's  why they're full of my feelings, which I kept for too long. Arigatou! 

And stay with me for one more year ! 

Warm hugs and kiss : 


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