Introduction. Ninastra project. <Įvadas į Ninastra projektą>

So here I am, telling you some thoughts, which comes to my head 4h in the morning. 

So you might think why I do such thing. I truly don't know myself either. But at first I thought that maybe someone will read something from this blog and maybe then I would make some friends.  But of course that didn't happen, so... 

I don't mind ,

I don't  mind , 

Oh I don't mind the rain..

Well now I think I do it because I want to make something what I would remember, like a happy memory from my childhood. Even thought there is a lot of work for me to do. But I won't say that this project "Ninastra" is for one year. Nah. It will last till I finish everything. 
So it is really hard for me. But.. 
  • First thing is my stories. Well everything is stopped. Because of my studies. Sorry people.  I have to finish studies... It's more important then this. 
  • Second thing you might not see it, because ... I choose some photographs and put them into photo album. I could share what kind of photos are in it, but that will come later. 
  • Third thing is Anime reviews. List is really long, and what I posted is not really finished.  I won't say what's missing, but believe me it's the hardest thing. 
  • Some artist's which I would like to share with you and songs . Maybe I should make death music list. You know, then you die, you wish to hear songs which you like. Not those from church. I guess it's not a bad idea. 
I guess for not that's enough. I have work for some year. This summer I wish I could make post's which I should be done in 2013. But... Well see about that. 

What is Ninastra? 

Well I don't know if someone has a name like that. If do sorry. Um I can't guarantee that it is really true, because we all do have different believes in after life and ghosts . But Ninastra is my soul's name. So ... that's  why I named this blogger Ninastra. (even though url name is different, but soon I will change it into 
And even though it might all be just a lie, I wanted to mark those feelings and after I finish this project, I will truly let it go. My feelings for that person, our talks and memories. 
What I'm talking about?

I will say, what I'm that kind of person who believes that after death, people reborn for another life, to achieve something. I believe that we all have angel by our sides . And that people who commit suicide suffers really painly.  It's really hard to just exist then you know what your family, friends and who you feel  close... lives on and you not. I'm talking about dead persons.   Did any of you thought about persons who leave us ?  How do they feel? I know what for now, humans can't answer those questions, but I have a strong feeling that they suffer long time. Like we, till our sorrow is light. 

Maybe I'm to truest-full, but maybe those persons who was raised by psycho /district parents , not all of them are monsters.  I have few in my mind, who was brutally raised and they haven't felt any humanity so how could they be a good person, when they finally grow up?  They just live how they can and ...  they fell, they hates. Everything is similar.

I just hope he would find light in his life... And see that everything is not just dark color.... 

 Good day! 



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