First Summer Day! > For Jamie



I’m sharing it now, because Windows Live Writer is fixed (at last?Open-mouthed smile ) So I can publish what I made at May, when my birthday was. Oh, Sorry, not mine alone but also Lora’s . DSCF2096




Days really flow quickly.. Here was my and my dog birthday, I had practice in our local hospital, and today my dear friends are first day of summer.

Well, it was quite nice day, but I slept all the sun and now it's raining outside. Yeah, somehow I fell like I overslept all the beauty, but.. I was tired, even coffee wouldn't make any difference.

Now listening to Uta no prince sama Revolutions songs, I'm enjoying this evening, drinking my favorite tea, and writing letters to friends abroad. :)


I promised Jamie, to tell about my practice and to share with photos I made. Well it’s easy to say, but not to do… But.. Let’s start from the beginning.


May 13 is my birthday. Yey (or maybe not so happy) I turned to 22 year. Well I don’t feel any difference, but that’s ok. Even though I have to do something  with my hurting head and low pulse. Maybe to start drinking real coffee? Maybe then I would get up easily.  Never finding wright answer to that dilemma. Annoyed



PicMonkey Collagelora

So here you can see my beloved dog, which become 11 year old. Smile Hurray for her.!!!!!! Also, you can see cake I bought. It’s called Rafaello. (very similar to Rafaello candy).  And truly that day I didn’t make any more photo, but this came after that day…  :




I really started to love making colleges, because I made a lot of photos. And to show everyone all of them is difficult. Maybe that’s my problem, why I don’t become pro at photos. But I’m that person, who doesn’t seek victory.Not like other people. Smile with tongue out Maybe I just don’t have person who would teach and teaching by myself is …hard..  Anyway,  Lora posed for me… In a different way. She don’t like posing for me, so I have to grab some tricks.. Or… I would lost some moments.




I was at practice for two weeks.What I do? I cure people, with disorders like broken bones, fractures.. It’s not magic it’s really hard working job. But it’s good that people feel better. Either I’m not a fairy. People come with diagnosis and I assuming to that, give people exercise program. It’s rather easy, but believe me, it takes time to get people at his best after accident.  So.. two weeks past really quickly. But I’m glad, I really enjoyed it.




I really like cherry tries. I liked one thought, that Japan has Sakura, Lithuanian has cherry. That’s awesome.


I will try to edit photos, and after that I will share them with you.






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