
Rodomi įrašai nuo birželis, 2015

Introduction. Ninastra project. <Įvadas į Ninastra projektą>

So here I am, telling you some thoughts, which comes to my head 4h in the morning.  So you might think why I do such thing. I truly don't know myself either. But at first I thought that maybe someone will read something from this blog and maybe then I would make some friends.  But of course that didn't happen, so...   I don't mind , I don't  mind ,  Oh I don't mind the rain.. Well now I think I do it because I want to make something what I would remember, like a happy memory from my childhood. Even thought there is a lot of work for me to do. But I won't say that this project " Ninastra " is for one year. Nah. It will last till I finish everything.  So it is really hard for me. But..  First thing is my stories. Well everything is stopped. Because of my studies. Sorry people.  I have to finish studies... It's more important then this.  Second thing you might not see it, because ... I choose some photographs and put them int...

Holidays begins!!!

So here I was, going to college, without sleep. It wasn't bad. I even capture some cute views. :)  Endless blue, which continues forever....  A girl with wings Is always there... Catching wind,, Existing from past to present days....  I guess Air was to much for me.   But in truth it really feels like summer. (well, do'h it's summer) So these views I can see from my flat windows. Well it's actually great that trees are blooming and that everyone can't see me.   So, you think I'm a posstitive kind? Nah. I like reality, because one person always tells me, that my dreams will crush me.  I guess he's wright. But not all people want to except turth. So I guess I will still be that kind of person for some time.  Beautifull view in Akmenė. So this post is to celebrate my holidays . Which finally started. :) Yey for that. Have a great summer minna! (he's  so cuteeeeee! I can't stand it :D )

Išmaniosios technologijos -<”>

Sveiki! Nutariau parašyti šį postą beveik blogiausiam savo įpročiui – žaidimams. Atvirai tai nesidžiaugiu tuo, nes ir dabar rašydama žaidžiu žaidimus. Oho, kiek laiko praleista veltui. Manau kad močiutė teisi, jog tas kompiuteris, išmanusis telefonas ar televizorius bukina mus jaunimą bei skatina sunkiai įveikiamą priklausomybę. Kas kaltas dėlto? Na gal nepradėsiu tirados, jog dėl visko kalta visuomenė. Manau tiesiog laikai keičiasi. Kaip ir patys žmonės, vertybės ir galimybės.  Džiaugiuosi jog esu dar tos kartos, kuri žaisdavo kieme, mama kviesdavo pro langą arba ateidavo pasiimti. Smėlyje žaidžiau pas senelius, turėjau draugą – to užteko. Kepdavom pyragus, statydavom miestus kinderio žaislų apgyvendinimui.  Kieme karstydavaus po medį, su vienintele drauge vaikštinėdavome lukštendamos “siemkas” ir vaidindavome suaugusias. Pirmąjį telefoną gavau tik penktoje klasėje. Na, jis nebuvo tas Nokia, buvo atlenkiamas, vienas iš naujesnių to laiko. O kompiuteris atsira...

First Summer Day! > For Jamie

    I’m sharing it now, because Windows Live Writer is fixed (at last? ) So I can publish what I made at May, when my birthday was. Oh, Sorry, not mine alone but also Lora’s .       Days really flow quickly.. Here was my and my dog birthday, I had practice in our local hospital, and today my dear friends are first day of summer. Well, it was quite nice day, but I slept all the sun and now it's raining outside. Yeah, somehow I fell like I overslept all the beauty, but.. I was tired, even coffee wouldn't make any difference. Now listening to Uta no prince sama Revolutions songs, I'm enjoying this evening, drinking my favorite tea, and writing letters to friends abroad. :)   I promised Jamie, to tell about my practice and to share with photos I made. Well it’s easy to say, but not to do… But.. Let’s start from the beginning.   May 13 is my birthday. Yey (or maybe not so happy) I turned to 22 year. Well I don’t feel any difference, but that’...