Hard Issues No Decisions. part 1
I've been in gardens for another 2 weeks. I had to disappoint
everyone with a fact that even on May and June weather will be cold in Lithuania. All this
week I've seen sun 2 times (if I do remember correctly), whole week was rainy
and even with little ice - drops. It's not unusual (in May we see a bit of snow... ), but today even my father felt sad that summer will be totally cold that even trees will not bloom if here will be just +10 degrees warm and if it 2 next months will be rainy like this
whole week, even we won't be able to plant potatoes or anything else. I really
wish that weather would change. What's the most surprisingly, if summer months
will be cold (it's unusual in our country) then autumn will be hot like hell like summer had to be. But for that long,we should just live and keep thinking
that everything might change.
I don't know how to speak my parents about this kitty. They will bring up like 100 reasons why I can't take her. I'm sad that now, when she knows when I walk outside she can get warm milk and some food and like we have a connection (maybe it's only my imagination), but now all that "good stuff" like cuddling and knowing that this person will not shout on you "get lost". Maybe I'm being too kindhearted and my family will say "You can't bring home everyone, you fell sorry for", but why should I shatter this kitty's happiness if I could take her somewhere she would be living with love and care? Even thought living together might be hard, because she doesn't know anything about toilet and I know what she might be really stressed changing living area. Like from being homeless to be living in a flat. From freedom to 29 km2 apartment. I don't know...
Yes, she will not be hungry, if I would leave her , in gardens. Maybe someone else would feed her or she would found it on her own, because that's her life which she lived till I started feeding her.
Other disappointing thing - if these weather keeps rainy
and stormy, I will have to come back to my flat tomorrow. Well it wouldn't
be sad if not my new friend which started liking me much more and more. :) Why wouldn't she? She's homeless and every season gives birth to little
cats. (I can't be angry to that fact, like she's to blame , because for
people it's much easier way to throw girl - pets because they can give life and
from one pet to another. It's peoples fault for all those homeless cats
which is growing and growing. And our governments "nice intentions"
to work homeless pets situation in our country by forcing chips. Like that would keep pets owners act responsibly with their pets, but this thing has some issues which were not thought about and I don't know. Like all those homeless cats living around houses would be put to sleep, even though everyday grannies gives them food and they live happily (like wild animals can). Our vet orphans are fulled and people are not always affected by those cute noses, eyes, face or pets horrible life. Okay I talk to much, but what could a country like us, save animals, when we're killing our own children like throwing them in well. When in Europe Lithuania is first by suicide peoples or drunkenness - that's so damn best thing to be proud of!? I don't think so.
My mum is forcing me to come back to flat, because of the bad weathers and I wouldn't be against it if it wouldn't be this kitty, which I would leave behind. I feel like if I would leave her like not even my heart would be broken but her trust too.
Decisions decisions ...I don't know what to do...
Yeah, when the weather was sunny I took some photos.These are not all I've got but... I will try to share warm pictures with you guys soon!
All the best,
P.S. About my challenge 2 weeks in garden I will share later!
P.S. About my challenge 2 weeks in garden I will share later!
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