Spalio darbai

Niekam nėra neįprastą, jog turint sodą, turi ir darbo.
Taip, taip. Ir manoji tokia dalia, bet dėl to neturiu jokios nuoskaudos ar ko, atvirkščiai man smagu. Juk širdžiai geriau, kai viskas atrodo gražiai :) Štai keletą nuotraukų iš praeito  savaitgalio :

Everyone knows that, when you have homestead, you're busy. Yeah, we all want to live in beatifull, like everything is tidy and clean. So, last weekend I went to our homestead and I tryied to make everything a bit cleaner.
Here is some pictures I made : 

 Radau naują programą, kuri sujungia dvi nuotraukas į vieną, tai manau visai neblogai gavosi :D
Recently I found new program, which allows me to make one picture from 2 different. Here is result, well I kinda liked it, but ofcourse you have to work yourself  by selecting pictures which will make nice view.

 Ech..  iš tiesų artėja šaltymetis, paukščiai išskrenda.
So, cold weather is really coming. I mean October is really warmy like it shoul be, but when you're outside you will definetly hear birds screams, which automatically tells us, what winter is coming...
 Išgelbėjau drugelį nuo mirties prie lango. Atsidėkodamas jis papozavo man :D
This little fellow (buttelrfly) I saved from dying near the wondow. (you know then they got stuck, and if you don't see them, they die there...) And in return he posed to me. Even cat (picture down...) took a look at it. 
 Katinas niekaip negali nepozuoti man :D

This cat soon will live with me, in my flat. Gladly looking forward to it :D
I guess It's 3rd photo which I capture him posing like this... 

Jurginai, visgi gražios gelės. O aš taip jų nemėgau.
These flowers are really beautifull, even though I didn't like them...
 Bet gi gražios...
But they're still cute...
Rudeninis dangus :P
Autumn sky...I guess it's the same as summer sky. 

 Dar tebežydi geltonpūkės:D
 Palieku jums spręsti kas čia per nuotrauka :D


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