
Rodomi įrašai nuo spalis, 2015

Halloween and Vėlinės.

  Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange? I guess I will always be a little jealous of other country’s which ones are really celebrating holidays.  I mean with spirit, details and everything else. Well, this year we’re not celebrating Halloween, (even though I would like to celebrate) because you know it’s  not official Lithuanian holiday. It came from America, and did not succeed in our country. So here we go with nonsense's and everything else. And tomorrow we will have Vėlinės ( I don’t know how to title it in English). Time then we all visit dead among us ( I mean people goes to cemetery to visit whose who are dead) pray for them and I guess just stop for a moment and think about those lost ones. I can’t go to cemetery’s because I don’t have money or a car to to go there, but I promise myself one thing, that I will definitely visit my dead grandpa who lies in Klaipėda. I make it one thing I must do     So other news, 3...

Spalio darbai

Niekam nėra neįprastą, jog turint sodą, turi ir darbo. Taip, taip. Ir manoji tokia dalia, bet dėl to neturiu jokios nuoskaudos ar ko, atvirkščiai man smagu. Juk širdžiai geriau, kai viskas atrodo gražiai :) Štai keletą nuotraukų iš praeito  savaitgalio : Everyone knows that, when you have homestead, you're busy. Yeah, we all want to live in beatifull, like everything is tidy and clean. So, last weekend I went to our homestead and I tryied to make everything a bit cleaner. Here is some pictures I made :   Radau naują programą, kuri sujungia dvi nuotraukas į vieną, tai manau visai neblogai gavosi :D Recently I found new program, which allows me to make one picture from 2 different. Here is result, well I kinda liked it, but ofcourse you have to work yourself  by selecting pictures which will make nice view.  Ech..  iš tiesų artėja šaltymetis, paukščiai išskrenda. So, cold weather is really coming. I mean October is really warmy like it shoul be, bu...