
Rodomi įrašai nuo 2015

Saw 5

Hey guys!  What's up?  Christmas Eve and Christmas was brilliant this year for me. I got some presents, even thought in nowadays I think present are not that important, even though I'm really happy that I got present this year. Anyway, at Christmas night I watched some movies, which I'm going to shear with you. So here goes : 1. Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015m.) Is about :  Dracula and his friends try to bring out the monster in his half human, half vampire grandson in order to keep Mavis from leaving the hotel. Suffer suffer, Screaming pain bloody spilling from you brain . . . I've been waiting opportunity to watch better quality of this film. I know what "like my father tells me then he's drunk" that I'm too old for movies for children. But I don't agree with him, especially when I dream nightmares which comes after stress. So in order to have "normal" dreams, sometimes I watch animation (not Anime) movies. Not all o...

Mačiau 4. / Saw 4

It's not about film "Saw", but a category in which I show to all you guys recently watched films. So here goes :  1. San Andreas (2015)   Description :    In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey with his ex-wife across the state in order to rescue his daughter. Sand Andreas trailer 2.  I love disaster movies. They makes to feel that we're not this planet rulers. Why? Look - earthquakes , tsunami or volcano. Mother  nature destroys that we people call strong and indestructible, houses, bridges and everything else. So, we really should think about  what  we are doing to mother nature, respect her and love everything around us. And I guess these kind of movies, remember us, that material values  are nothing compared to lost of people who a re dear to us .  2. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)  The adventures of Gustave H, a legendary conc...

Optimistinis šeštadienio vakaras / Optimistic Saturday Evening

Vakar nusprendžiau, kad pats metas pasižiūrėti senai matytus filmus. Šįkart kategorija animaciniai filmai, nes pastarosios dienos sunkios, tai norėjosi kažko įsimintino. Aišku, gavau su kaupu.  Yesterday I decided that it's about time to look for long time no see movies. This time I looked at animation category (well, few days was really difficult and I wanted something memorable. Yeah,  I got with a vengeance. Atsitiktinai ar ne, radau senai matytą animacinį šedevrą - "Simarono Žirgas", kuris pripažinsime kiekvienas sukelia įvairiausių jausmų. Filmas sukurtas prieš 14 metų (2002 metais)  bet net po daugelio metų vis dar sukelia jausmus.  Accidentally or not, I found long time no see animation masterpiece :  SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON which everyone agrees makes you feel various feelings. Film was produced 14 years ago (in 2002 m. ) and even after all these years , still causes feelings.   trumpas aprašymas :   ...

Winter is coming, winter is coming… To country.

Vakar berods, pradėjau ieškoti gražių Kalėdinių dainų. (Meluoju, vienužodžiu šios savaitės viduryje ) Žinau viskas per anksti, bet gi paruotuvės jau pilnos šventinių papuošimų. (Nors man tai atrodė kiek ankstoka.) Norisi pasikelti nuotaiką kaip ir savo neremontuotam,, suskeldėjusiam butui suteikti šiek tiek šilumos ir jaukumo. Šilumos trūksta… Katinas nešildo, radiatoriai pusšilti. Na, vienas tų suaaugusiųjų privalumų. Netgi pasijungiau Tomą ir Džerį. Viena pirmųjų serijų Kalėdinės. Ech kaip tai priminė man senus laikus, tikėtais ne tiek tomis dovanomis randamomis po Kalėdine eglute, bet  labiau tom dekoracijom senovinėm, šeimos dvasia, kai visi susėda prie stalo ir pan. Aišku laikui einant, paskeitė tų dovanų  supratimas. Širdžiai mieliau, kai dovana praktiška, sunaudojama. Todėl užuot dovanojus čekį (nebent knygoms, kvepalams, kosmetikai) galima apsieiti paprastesniais dalykais kaip saldumynai, gražus butelis, rankšluotis ar žvakė. Pritarė man ir mama. (Dėl to ir turiu pa...

Kwabs - Walk (Official Video)


Mielas Dienorašti,

Pradėjau vėl rašyti Dievo Angelus ir supratau, kad nieko nepasiekiau nuo to, kai iš tiesų pradėjau jį rašyti. Rašymas buvo mano išsigelbėjimas iš depresijos, liūdesio. Visų blogų dalykų. Buvau išskirtina rašytoja, nes rašydavau apie vienatvę, tuos kraupius dalykus kaip pjaustymasi, meilę, mirtį. Mano veikėjai iki šiolei persmelkti tamsos, liūdesio. Bet tai nepagydė manęs. Nors dabar noriu kuo greičiau baigti rašyti šį kūrinį, tikėdamasi kad viskas baigsis. Nesu tikra ar taip iš tiesų ir bus. Man bus be proto liūdna, kai baigsis mano kūrinys. Atrodo visas mano gyvenimas jame. Todėl tai tarsi nesibaigiantis gyvenimo etapas. Niekaip neprisiverčiu užbaigti, o metai vis lekia. Net neprisimenu kada pradėjau rašyti kūrinį. Nors dauguma rašytojų sako, kad kūriniai neatspindi gyvenimo detalių, tai melas. Bent jau manajame. Daug nuoskaudų, daug vilties, norų. Visko ko norėjosi, bet taip ir neišsipildė. Ištiesų jaučiuosi, lyg gyvenčiau ne tame  amžiuje. Tikiu, kad dėl meilės verta eiti kryži...

Dusts in my shelves.

Hey guys! It’s  been a rainy Sunday, so I thought maybe I should make list’s of things which I want to have. Just for my self,  to know better . 1. I’ve decided to buy books what I would like to have only then I’ll finish books which I had bought past few years and didn’t have time to read. 2. Also I’ve promised myself to read 1 book per day . You say it’s impossible? Well I was a quick reader. And if the book had interested me, I read it in one day (maybe few hours). 3. Yesterday I found English site ( Well for some reasons, I never go to English  sites and read in another language than Lithuanian) with trick how to decorate houses (in my way - flat. ) or how to be clean. So I’ve determined myself to make rules for myself to have clean flat and in truly to organize all my stuff. 4. I really want to lost some weight, so I will be changing my routine . Like running with Lora or doing exercises. So please cross finger for me. I’m happy because I found floor for m...

Halloween and Vėlinės.

  Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange? I guess I will always be a little jealous of other country’s which ones are really celebrating holidays.  I mean with spirit, details and everything else. Well, this year we’re not celebrating Halloween, (even though I would like to celebrate) because you know it’s  not official Lithuanian holiday. It came from America, and did not succeed in our country. So here we go with nonsense's and everything else. And tomorrow we will have Vėlinės ( I don’t know how to title it in English). Time then we all visit dead among us ( I mean people goes to cemetery to visit whose who are dead) pray for them and I guess just stop for a moment and think about those lost ones. I can’t go to cemetery’s because I don’t have money or a car to to go there, but I promise myself one thing, that I will definitely visit my dead grandpa who lies in Klaipėda. I make it one thing I must do     So other news, 3...

Spalio darbai

Niekam nėra neįprastą, jog turint sodą, turi ir darbo. Taip, taip. Ir manoji tokia dalia, bet dėl to neturiu jokios nuoskaudos ar ko, atvirkščiai man smagu. Juk širdžiai geriau, kai viskas atrodo gražiai :) Štai keletą nuotraukų iš praeito  savaitgalio : Everyone knows that, when you have homestead, you're busy. Yeah, we all want to live in beatifull, like everything is tidy and clean. So, last weekend I went to our homestead and I tryied to make everything a bit cleaner. Here is some pictures I made :   Radau naują programą, kuri sujungia dvi nuotraukas į vieną, tai manau visai neblogai gavosi :D Recently I found new program, which allows me to make one picture from 2 different. Here is result, well I kinda liked it, but ofcourse you have to work yourself  by selecting pictures which will make nice view.  Ech..  iš tiesų artėja šaltymetis, paukščiai išskrenda. So, cold weather is really coming. I mean October is really warmy like it shoul be, bu...

Rudens Startas!

 Na, ne visai ruduo, bet kažkas panašaus :)